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Courses and Workshops 2025

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In de workshops ‘Teach the Singer’ bieden wij een totaal programma’s aan waar door zangers beter voorbereid het werkveld in gaan. In onze cursussen wordt gewerkt aan vocale techniek, fysiek –  en mentaal bewustzijn.

Zen, Singing and Acting 2025
The summercourse Zen, Singing, and Acting was established in 2009 and takes place annually at the Préau estate in France. During this six-day summer course, emphasis is placed not only on vocal singing technique but also on physical and mental awareness. Lessons in acting and drama are provided, along with meditation sessions. The underlying idea is that when a singer feels physically and mentally strong, it is reflected on stage.
The core team of the course consists of Margreet Honig (individual singing lessons), Marc Brookhuis (Zen), Elsina Jansen (acting/drama), and pianist Jorian van Nee.
The course accommodates a maximum of ten international singers every year.

June 28 - July 5 2025 in L’Huy Préau, France (

For more information, see this link: ZZS 2025

See also this Facebookevent: Link

For a visual impression of this course, see this photo collage: Link


Click this link to see the documentary NPO documentaire about the Zen, Singing and Acting course.

Margreet Honig Summer Academy
The Margreet Honig Summer Academy (MHSA) also gives classical singers the opportunity to develop in several areas. Students are offered five days of singing, acting and meditation lessons at Schloss Weinberg in Austria. Each year, the MHSA selects 20 talented singers who are mentored by a staff of six teachers, including Margreet Honig.

24 augustus – 30 augustus 2025, Schloss Weinberg, Austria.

For more information, see this link: MHSA 2025

See also this Facebookevent: Link

For a visual impression of this course, see this photo collage: Link




In the "Teach the Teacher" workshops, the focus is on collaboration. In these workshops, singing teachers gather with students to advise and question each other in intensive discussions. The goal of the training is to develop and strengthen each other through this interaction. The workshops are led by Margreet Honig, who is eager to share her ideals with the next generation of singing teachers.
Some of the teachers also attend the Margreet Honig Summer Academy and Zen, Singing and Acting courses. A great way to stay up to date on the developments of the MHF is to subscribe to our newsletter.

MHF Studio

In het kader van Teach the Teacher is de MHF Studio ontwikkeld; Beginnende zangleraren worden door Margreet Honig gecoacht in het lesgeven. Deze twee jarige training bestaat uit 9 sessies per jaar. Inmiddels hebben de volgende zangdocenten deze opleiding succesvol afgerond:  Kirila Kraal, Erik Slik, Hetty Gehring, Bert van de Wetering, David van Laar, Frank Hermans, Sterre Kooi, Nicole Fiselier, Silvia Hauer, Sophie Sauter, Eline Welle en Henriette Schenk.

Voor het seizoen 2024-2025 zijn alweer nieuwe deelnemers geselecteerd. Omdat er vaak meer belangstelling is, dan dat er plek is, hebben wij de MHF Online Studio in het leven geroepen…

MHF Online Studio

– Observe Margreet Honig Teaching Teachers

The Online Studio offers a unique opportunity to observe Margreet Honig and Maarten Koningsberger as they imparts their wisdom to aspiring vocal teachers. Set in an intimate living room environment, utilizing the You Tube platform, a single camera perspective, and one microphone, participants can gain insight into the dynamics of how a small group delves into the art of teaching.

The Online Studio provides you with the chance to remotely peer into Margreet Honig’s teaching practice, offering a glimpse into the intricacies of her craft.

Please note that the sessions will be conducted in English.

Applications are possible during the whole season 2024-2025. That is because all of the sessions can be viewed back on YouTube (exclusive only for participants of the MHF Online Studio)

See this link for more information: MHF Online Studio


Thanks a lot for the great online-workshop “MHF Studio Online – teach the teachers” It is very inspiring and helpful to remember the exercises and refresh the tools. And we can breath and renew the spirit and the message of Margreets way to teach. I am really happy and grateful about this.

All my Love

Roswitha Mueller (voice teacher and singer)

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