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Masterclasses Margreet Honig Foundation

For many years, there has been great demand for the masterclasses of Margreet Honig. The Margreet Honig Foundation aims to meet this demand as best as possible. That’s why the Foundation has long been working to document new material from Margreet and gather old masterclasses. All of this teaching material will now gradually become available.

These masterclasses can be viewed for a fee. With your payment, you also support the work of the Margreet Honig Foundation.

See below for our current offerings:

Masterclasses (shop)

Teach the Teacher | Zing met Hart en Ziel (1) (Dutch spoken)

– Margreet Honig coaches Bert van de Wetering as he teaches Eske Tibben.



Would you like to see more of Margreet Honig or the MHF? Then take a look at our YouTube channel, where you can find a variety of free video and audio materials.

Margreet Honig Foundation – YouTube

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